Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Whoops. (W1;D3)

So, obvious plan fail. I'm good at those. I accomplished next to nothing that could be called 'progress' yesterday. I didn't get further behind than I was though, which is good.

So far today, I have done a decent amount of my dishes. So, current list:

Feed kids (husbands at work this evening)
Finish dishes. Everything in the kitchen, I'm not worried about tracking down stray forks or cups right now, I just need my kitchen under control.
Get counters cleared.
Get fridge cleared out.

That's today. Oh, and:

One load of laundry, containing at least school clothes for the little dude and one full outfit for everyone else.

So, I shall attempt to remember to update here before bed with tomorrows list and anything I did accomplish, as the original plan for this damned blog said.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Starting. (W1;D1)

Week One. Day One.

Where to start.

Girl minion needs bathed tonight.

By tomorrow night when I am doing this again, I want to have:

Gotten all currently clean laundry folded and put away. Including socks and underwear.

Gotten some more laundry started.

Done dishes. More than I have used between now and then (yes, that implies that I currently have dishes in my sink. Because... Well... I do).

Cooked and fed my family.

Bathed myself.

Take trash down.

And I'll call that good for one day. It's a short list. Stupidly mundane. True, there's more to it (I hope to have sex this evening. Kinky fun sex even. I want to do a bleach test strand for my hair. I am not listing the random minutia because I honestly don't want to overwhelm myself.)

So, a start. Maybe. We'll see how it has gone tomorrow evening, right?



Accountability. I need it.

While I understand the universe in general doesn't give a shit about my day to day activities, proclivities, and distractions, let alone the thoughts or reasoning behind them (or lack thereof)... I'm putting them out here anyway.

In theory, I should do a post or so a day. Who knows if that will happen. Who knows if it ill be anything like I intend it to be. I'm writing this with the intent of following through, but I might fail miserably.

Nothing new if I do fail miserably.

A bit of basics.

I'm married.

I have two kids.

I'm to old to be as useless as I am. (Actually, I'm 26. I just seem to live with a teenagers level of motivation and sense of responsibility for their day to day activities).

Our house is a wreck.

Our diet is a wreck.

Our schedule is a wreck.


I am saying fuck it.

I'm attempting to put it all out there and see if I can figure out how to make myself function and our lives 'work'.

Starting... Shit. I want to say tomorrow, but I know myself to well for that.

So, starting in however long it takes me to type up the next post.

Fair enough?
